Medical Ministry   (9)
The interests of our sanitariums must be guarded. All should feel it a privilege to do their best to advance medical missionary work. God requires His people to refrain from doing anything which will interfere with the work of another. It is not generous or right for a man to start sanitarium work on independent lines in a place where a sanitarium is already established. It is quite probable that the closest economy is required to conduct properly one sanitarium, furnishing proper facilities for treatment and healthful food for patients and helpers. (MM 154.1) MC VC
Every business transaction tells its story regarding the character of the individual. No haphazard work should be done. No movements should be made in a selfish spirit, irrespective of the rights and property of others.— Manuscript 93, 1901. (MM 154.2) MC VC
Sanitarium Work as a Speculation VC
At an early hour I am aroused by the word, “Write out the things that I have presented to you.” (MM 154.3) MC VC
In the building of the tabernacle, tact and skill were given to the Israelites. To His people today the Lord will give tact and skill to do His work. To all who have a part in His cause, He will impart wisdom. But they must depend wholly upon Him. They must be willing to be controlled and guided by Him. As a people we must walk and work as men and women accountable to God. (MM 154.4) MC VC
Some on their own responsibility have taken up sanitarium work. Some have entered into this work as a speculation, hoping to make money. Their principal aim was not so much to heal the bodies and souls of the sick as to make money. These have begun to learn that to engage in sanitarium work means much more than they anticipated. (MM 154.5) MC VC
Many unjust deeds are done in the hope of getting gain. The Lord has witnessed these deeds. No unrighteous act passes unnoticed. All that is gained in this way will be found to be loss, eternal loss. (MM 154.6) MC VC
God’s Instrumentalities to be Pure, Holy, Elevated VC
Our sanitariums are God’s instrumentalities, and they are to stand firmly in defense of the truth, making their influence a living demonstration of the power of the gospel. They are to be elevated, pure, holy, carrying forward the work in reformatory lines. Those connected with our sanitariums are to keep self in subordination, taking themselves to task, pruning from their practices all unrighteousness. (MM 154.7) MC VC